Terraced Plot

Designed by Space Craft Architects, Terraced Plot was cleverly designed to step down a rapid incline and nestle itself amongst the native bush surrounds.

Expertly crafted using coloursteel and cedar cladding, this home enjoys views through the valley.

Featured in HOME No.25


New home built on a 40 degree slope in Brooklyn, known as "The Terraced Plot"


Terraced Plot has two exterior courtyard spaces on the Western side of the home to maximise the natural light, space and the valley bush views.

The custom in-built seating in the lower courtyard is surrounded by a natural green wall growing up stainless steel tension wire.



The split level kitchen with oak steps are a main feature in the hillside home.

Direct access to outdoor courtyards are a major feature of connecting this home to the outdoor native bush.



The central oak staircase features slatted screens which cast filtered light throughout.



Stone bath sits within tiled walls and is enhanced by the valley and native bush surrounds.

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